
Featured and Ongoing Events

Featured events


February 2 or February 8
Fireside Room

Christians talk a lot about prayer, but what does it actually look like in everyday life? Come discover some basic principles and techniques about prayer. We’ll be using Pete Greig’s book “How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People.” Copies will be provided for all attendees.

Register for February 8th here.


February 16
Fellowship Hall

All food will be catered in and will be delicious! Feel free to share this registration link with other families from your neighborhood that you’re hoping to connect to the FABULOUS community here at the Village Church!

*NEW* $5 per person (or $20 max per family). We’ll collect any money or checks on the day of. If this cost is a barrier in any way, just email Ed and we’ll make sure that it isn’t!


February 23

Renowned organist, Brian Schoettler will offer an organ concert here at Village Church on Sunday, February 23, at 4:00pm. There will be works by great composers in Western Music, as well as composers from our North Shore area; a varied program has been chosen specifically to showcase the creativity of our well-maintained and magnificent instrument we're blessed to have at Village! The concert is free and all ages are welcome!

event calendar

Monthly Weekly Daily List Grid Tile

2025 February

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